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Working Backwards – Developing and Documenting a Business Plan

Developing and documenting a business plan is challenging, and for some it is not a guiding map, rather a document put together to satisfy a lender. Amazon use a methodology to develop product which may assist you drill down to…

We’re Back!!!

Well, I think I’m not alone when I say I feel a little hard done by these summer holidays. Cyclones, cold and windy weather along with Covid, extended school holidays, rain for days, and for us at Fraser Coast, it…

Increase in Scams

The ATO are concerned about an increase in scams involving fake superannuation investments. Scammers are phoning and emailing people, pretending to be financial advisers or super experts. They are encouraging people to invest their super in a supposedly high performing…

Adding Multiple Covid Vaccine Certificates to the Check In QLD App

You may share a phone with your spouse, or you may regularly check in family with you. Come December 17 when you need proof of your Covid vaccine certificate what happens if you share a phone or need to check…

Understanding Australia’s Director Identification Number

Business directors to obtain compulsory director ID number from November. Existing company directors will now be required to apply for a director identification number (director ID) by 30 November 2022, while directors of Indigenous corporations that are governed by the Corporations (Aboriginal and…

Business Cycles

There are two business cycles that are discussed, one which relies on the age of the business and the people running it and the other relies on external factors which tend to be influenced by the economy. These cycles can…

Don’t get caught out – know the key dates for your company or business name

If you're running a business or company, it's essential to understand your responsibilities with ASIC. One of the most important things is to be aware of key dates, like the date of your business name renewal or company annual review.…

Horticultural Irrigation Pricing Rebate Scheme now open

If you irrigate, you may be eligible for a new rebate.  You must be a customer of Sunwater, Seqwater or Pioneer Valley Water Co-op.  Being a Horticultural Irrigation Pricing Rebate, it covers crops such as fruit, vegetables, nuts and turf. …

Beware of Scams

The end of the financial year is here. Everyone, especially those scrambling at the last minute to get their receipts in order, should keep an eye out for the accompanying onslaught of tax scams. Posing as the Australian Taxation Office…

2021 COVID-19 Business Support Grants for lockdown-impacted businesses in Queensland

The 2021 COVID-19 Business Support Grants program supports eligible employing Queensland small and medium businesses and employing Queensland not for profit organisations, that are impacted by lock downs taking effect during August 2021 in response to COVID-19 outbreaks. This includes…

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